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Ausgabe #088 vom 11. Januar 1998
@@@@@ - potentieller Meilenstein: Starlight
@@@@ - definitives Highlight: Highlight
@@@ - erfreuliche Delikatesse: Delight
@@ - solides Handwerk: Solidlight
@ - verzichtbarer Ausschuss: Nolight
Tipp der Woche
Crustation with Bronagh Slevin "Bloom" (Folk, Gitarren und Trip-Hop-Highlight) [gw: @@@@@]
In aller Kürze
Wir sind wieder da! [mmh]
Wie wir mit Lesermail umgehen [mmh]
Feedback zu Wynonna: "The Other Side" [mmh]
Mail: Plattenkritik Enya [mmh]
Neu erschienen
Buckwheat Zydeco "Trouble" (Zydeco) [bs: @@@]
Lori Carson "Everything I Touch Runs Wild" (Zarter Pop-Schmetterling auf Chrysantheme sitzend) [gw: @@@@]
Cranes "EP Collection Volume 1 & 2" (Independent (Everything is all)) [gw: @@@]
Guitar Wolf "Planet Of The Wolfes" (Japan-Punk-Rock mit maximalem Overdrive) [gw: @@@]
The Iguanas "Super Ball" (Rockiger Tex-Mex-Sound aus New Orleans) [bs: @@@@]
Ivy "Apartment Life" (Transatlantischer Gitarren-Pop-Odeur ) [gw: @@@]
Delbert McClinton "One Of The Fortunate Few" (Rhythm&Soul/Blues) [pb: @@@]
Münchner Lach- und Schießgesellschaft "Die Polka-Krise" (Kabarett) [gw]
NRBQ "You're Nice People You Are" (Erwachsenen-<WBR>kompatibler Kinder-Pop?) [pb: @@@]
Martin Simpson "Cool & Unusual" (Folkige Gitarren-Instrumentals) [bs: @@@]
Van der Meer "Static Warp Bubble" (Pop-Mädel mit Trip-Hop-Feeling) [gw: @@@]
Murray Lachlan Young "Vice & Verse" (Dandy In The Underworld (Of Pop)) [gw]
Frisch aus den Archiven
John Lennon "Legend" (Pop/Rock) [bs: @@@@]
Bill Withers "Lean On Me: The Best Of Bill Withers" (Soul) [bs: @@@@@]
Warner-Vinyl-Revival Pt. II [bs]
America "Greatest Hits" (Pop/Rock 1975) [bs: @@@@]
Eric Clapton "Journeyman" (Pop/Rock 1989) [bs: @@@]
Phil Collins "Face Value" (Pop 1981) [bs: @@@@]
Doobie Brothers "Stampede" (Rock 1975) [bs: @@@@]
Bob James & David Sanborn "Double Vision" (Jazz/Fusion 1986) [bs: @@@@]
Quincy Jones "Back On The Block" (Funk/Soul 1989) [bs: @@@@]
Little Feat "Waiting For Columbus" (Rock 1978) [bs: @@@@@]
Joni Mitchell "Blue" (Singer/Songwriter 1971) [bs: @@@@@]
Prince & The Revolution "Music From Purple Rain" (Funk 1984) [bs: @@@@]
Santana "Santana" (Latin-Rock 1969) [bs: @@@@@]
James Taylor "Greatest Hits" (Singer/Songwriter 1976) [bs: @@@@@]